Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Next Amendment

How much do CongressMen/Women/People earn?

Salary for the avg person is close to $175,000.

Talk about needing a SERIUOS review!!!  and they can vote themselves a payraise!!  WHAT THE HECK!!!  The get everything paid for, and then get a salary that puts them out of touch with 90% of america?  There is an unjustice my friends.

My Proposal, Federally elected congressional peoples get a salary equal to the povery level in their district.  They also will be required to disclose all of their earnings for that year, and if any are found to have come from the result of legislation that they were involved in, they should be penalized heavily.  They should also be held accountable for their attendance in congress, every day the miss is the number of days in session  divided by their salary which will include all the benifits they receive.

Now... the problems that still have to be figured out in this are obvious, keeping them from raising minimum wage simple for their own gain, and not over penalizing to the point where they owe the government more then they earn.

But..... the idea is out there.

Who thinks a single congress man/woman/person would support this?

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